Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen)

Another fan favorite: Alice Cullen!  Who doesn't love her?


Ashley Greene in real life is GORGEOUS.  Stunning.  The kind of perfect that really could be a Cullen. 

It's impossible to choose her best picture from Google Images.
  There are too many AMAZING ones. 

I watched in awe at the Breaking Dawn: Part 2 premiere as she walked up and down the fence where the fans were, signing autographs and taking pictures in the midst of an absolute fangirl-storm.  I have no idea how she kept her cool.  People were shouting at her, and it looked like she was a little nervous, but she stuck it out and got to as many people as she could - and then came back later and did it again.  She was so sweet and so generous!

It was like this, plus a LOT of volume, for probably half an hour straight.
Alice is a key player in the Twilight Saga story.  In my opinion, Ashley brought enthusiasm, sincerity, and just the right amount of cute to the role.  Alice fans!  Let's hear your favorite lines!


  1. I always get a little giggle when Alice hugs Bella for the first time in Twilight because of Ashley being a bit taller than Kristen in that scene. She is such a beautiful person and I'm so happy that she was able to make Alice even more amazing than I felt she was in the book. Thank you Ashley!!

  2. I love Alice, she really does get some of the best lines in the whole saga. I was probably the most frustrated at the hair/makeup changes for Alice through the saga (probably second only to Jasper) and I like her bad-ass hair in Breaking Dawn best of all. One memory that will always stand out for me, although she wasn't present for most of the battle scene, was my chanting under my breath to Funmbi in the Nokia Theatre, 'trust Alice, trust Alice, trust Alice'.... she really was pivotal!!

    Ashley is awesome. So gorgeous in real life. I have an awesome close-up shot from the front of that melee pictured above. So sweet. And to hear of her tragedy in the last few days with her house fire, my heart really goes out to her and her family.
